Thu 02 Jan
Blonde BunnY ~~~ Curvy ~~~ eXotic ~~~ & ~~ AVaiLaBLe _ 100 % ReaL Photos _ Fun & FReaKY - LEts PLaY - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS/SHERMAN OAKS in.out)
:☠ Big Booty :☠ [ Brunette ] :☠ [ Beauty ] :☠ [ Specials ] :☠ - 21
___ Blonde Doll ___ Curvy Blonde ____ Smoking Hot Blonde ___ Blonde Bombshell __ Real pictures !!! - 21
(North Hills, CoLorAdo and MaDre)
∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ B E T T E R ❥ THAN ❥ YOUR ❥ G i R L F R i E N D ∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ - 21
(Northern Virginia, Tyson's corner)
B▉❥▉❥▉❥▉❥ Outcall ▉☰▉ ▉☰▉ ▉☰▉ Sweet ☰▉ ☰▉ ☰▉ ☰▉ ▉☰▉Beautiful-Sweet Asian☰ ▉☰ ▉ Alway GOOD❥☰▉❥☰▉❥▉❥▉ - 22
(Northern Virginia, VA/DC/MD❶❶OUTCALL❶❶202-766-3311❶❶)
***Beautiful Ebony****Juicy Jamie***Great Reviews - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills, Sherman Oaks, StudioCity)
💟💟💟 Asian New Face!!! 💛 Sexy Nuru $129 Special 💤 Submissive!👉 👉 Few Days! 💓💖 929-391-4685 - 20
(Northern Virginia, Vienna/Tysons Corner/Fairfax/Falls Churc)
BEAUTY PERFECTED! 💫 UNLIKE the REST 🌟 SIMPLY the BEST💫 you done settling? - 23
(Palm Springs, Cathedral City Incall / Outcall)
{{1o0% ReaL}} ExoTiC ITALIAN EyE CaNdy °°★°° { bLuE EyEd HoTTiE WiTh a RocKiN BoDy } - 24
(Northern Virginia, ★ Rockville Md)
6 FEET TaLL BUSTY CURVY BLONDE! {{ 6'0 w/o Heels }} (( SuNDay FuNDay $pEciALs )) BOOTy=) MmMm...$80 - 25
(::*::_NW DC Downtown {NW UPSCALE}_::*)
100hh‼️ NEW‼️ S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G hot 🆕 babe ready to BL😯W UR MIND💋 - 19
(Alexandria landmark Springfield Arlingto, Northern Virginia)
#1 ☏[T!GHT & JU!CY] •♥• [ 5★] •♥• [ STUNNING ] •♥• [FREAKY] ♥• [ BEAUTY ] •♥• [ 100% REAL ]☏ - 22
(Northern Virginia, DMV Outcalls)
✩★🍯💞💄😈 NEW CuRvY 👅💦💗🐝➔ S.e.x.y 😍🍼ExOtiC B L O N D £ ➔🍭👙BOOTY LoVeRs 🎀🌸 ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔➔ - 22
(Northern Virginia, 😇 Herndon 😇 Incalls 😇)
👣🍭💋F R E A K Y BIG B🍑🍑TY Ebony Cutie🍒100%Real Pics🌟👣Can I Be Your Girlfriend Tonight🏃🏻👭💋Speingfield🎉 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Springfield👣🍭Mall Area🎉🍭Springfield💦)